The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

26 and Managing $8.4m In Adspend with Fehzan Ali of EP 219



Fehzan Ali, Co-Founder & CEO at Adscend Media LLC, home of award-winning offer walls, and advertising solutions for mobile app and web publishers. Listen as Nathan quizzes Fehzan on the Adscend revenue model, and inquires about the future of the adwall business. Famous 5Favorite Book? – The Hard Thing About Hard ThingsWhat CEO do you follow?— NoWhat is your favorite online tool?— Google DocsDo you get 8 hours of sleep?— NoIf you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?—Sales is critical and I wish I knew more about it early on Time Stamped Show Notes:01:06 – Nathan’s introduction 01:35 – Welcoming Fehzan to the show02:12 – Focusing on the user increases profitability02:25 – Measuring interest from publishers and advertisers02:45 – Doing $100K a month in advert spend03:12 – Only paid for app installs or actions04:05 – How Adscend makes money?—Take 30% of the spend received04:52 – Breaking down the spend07:20 – Founded company in 2009, been in rewarding space for 10 years07:39 – Feh