The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

4 Kids Under 8, Traveling Country, Runs 3 Businesses, How?! EP 306: Peter Awad



Peter Awad, host of The Slow Hustle podcast. Peter started an automotor business in college and now runs two startups, as well as hosting an in-depth entrepreneurship podcast that’s been featured on the Apple homepage. Tune in to hear Peter talk about entrepreneurship with 4 kids, how he makes money from his podcast, and what you can learn from the way successful people manage their lows. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – Bold What CEO do you follow? — No Favourite online tool? —Pomotodo Do you get 8 hours of sleep?—No If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?—I wish I had more confidence to do what I wanted to do Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:19 – Nathan’s introduction 01:40 – Welcoming Peter to the show 01:47 – Peter has a background in e-commerce 02:30 – Peter generates revenue from his automotor business 03:07 – Gross revenue in 7 figures, and gross margin of 20-30% 04:22 – Started an unsuccessful startup which he tried to run for 4 years 05:00 – Connections for Mission Meats were