The Top Entrepreneurs In Money, Marketing, Business And Life

EP 432: Boostrapped SaaS Hits $75k MRR, Viral Campaigns, 1000 Customers with KickOffLabs CEO Josh Ledgard



Josh Ledgard, co-founder of KickoffLabs to The Top. KickoffLabs is a viral lead generation platform with amazing landing pages, lead capture forms, and e-mail marketing rolled into one seamless package. Famous Five: Favorite Book? – The 4-Hour Workweek What CEO do you follow? – Elon Musk Favorite online tool? — Scout Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— Yes If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be? – “Working smart is way more important than working hard”   Time Stamped Show Notes: 01:40 – Nathan introduces Josh to the show 02:03 – What KickoffLabs does differently and how it makes money 02:15 – Engage customer as a form of marketing 02:43 – Online advertising 03:12 – KickoffLabs is a SaaS business 03:58 – Pricing plan 04:20 – Customer churn for HeYo 04:40 – Josh’s monthly churn rate 05:10 – How to mitigate churn rate 06:00 – Paid acquisition 06:08 – Types of paid acquisition 06:48 – Monthly spent on blog content promotion 07:18 – Boo