Russ And Randy Podcast | Healthcare's Prescription For Web & Social

Easy Peasy Sources of Content



The most important aspect of your website is the content. Content attracts new readers (aka patients).  Content is the only way to get great rankings of your webpages. Unfortunately, creating content, such as writing articles, is a huge turn-off and can make your digital marketing strategy go down the tubes...writing is just not fun for healthcare providers. Keep in mind, copying or using someone else's content already published on the Internet is a huge SEO no no.  Publishing "duplicate content" can actually decrease your rankings! Your content must be original and written by knowledgeable experts in your field...most likely the physicians.  This becomes the hardest challenge for any medical or healthcare website. We have some "easy peasy" solutions for healthcare providers.  In fact, those of us in medicine have the easiest sources of content in any industry.  This episode of Russ & Randy acknowledges your biggest challenge for your online brand: how can you create content onto your website that engages