Ramble With Russel Podcast

Ramble With Russel - 294 - The Hunger For Adventure



On this week's regular edition of the show it's monster in all shapes and sizes.  First up genres collide with the blu-ray review of Monster Brawl (courtesy fo Anchor Bay Entertainment) as classic monsters face off in the squared circle starring Jimmy Hart, Kevin Nash, Dave Foley and Lance Henriksen.  Then it's my blu-ray review of the documentary Corman's World : Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel (courtesy of Anchor Bay Entertainment) as we look back at the career of the legendary director/producer.  Then it is two reviews for the price of one title when I give my audio book and movie review of The Hunger Games for your listening pleasure.  I wrap things up with the video game review of The Adventures of Tintin for the PS3 (courtesy of www.gameaccess.ca) as the your adventurer hits your game console.  Music for this episode features the songs Just Like a Movie by Digital Grey Orchestra, End Game by George Woods, Only a Game by The Suicide Denial and One World by EL84, they can all be found at www.famemusic.com.