Pm Point Of View

59. Psychometrics: Myers-Briggs and Beyond



Know thyself. Then know your teammates. A key component of effective project management is teamwork. That's not always easy when you bring together people representing a range of ages, backgrounds, and values. But there are steps PMs can take to engender a harmonious and productive work environment. Generally it's better to address this issue earlier rather than later. To sort through the various assessment tools, and their corresponding philosophies and methodologies, Kendall Lott has gathered a round table of experts to talk about the benefits, how to use them, when to use them, and when not to use them. Listen, learn, and get a free PDU! PDU Information Use the following information in PMI’s CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast: PDU Category: Online or Digital Media   Provider Number: 4634   PDU Claim Code:  4634CUO4SM   Activity Number: PMPOV0059   PDUs for this episode: 1 About the Speakers David Cooper has been working in the learning and development industry since 1992 and joined Impac