Pm Point Of View

62. Radical Performance



What's the difference between preparation mindset and performance mindset? Did you ever consider that accountability should run horizontally as well as vertically? What's the point of constantly drilling on the basics? (Once you know them can't you simply move on?) What does it mean to hire for enhancement, and can one plus one actually equal three? Alan Stein, Jr., a former basketball coach, keynote speaker, and author of Raise Your Game: High Performance Secrets of the Best of the Best, and Brian Levenson, podcaster and mental performance coach, discuss what it takes for individuals and teams to reach peak performance. Listen, learn, and get a free PDU! PDU Information Earn education PDUs in the PMI Talent Triangle for each podcast. Use the following information in PMI’s CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast: PDU Category: Online or Digital Media  Provider Number: 4634  PDU Claim Code:  4634QX4BDR  Activity Number: PMPOV0062  PDUs for this episode: 1 About the Speakers   Alan Stein, J