Pm Point Of View

66. Leadership in the 21st Century



When managing millennials do the old rules still apply? (Think servant leader for starters.) What exactly is the science behind effective techniques for team motivation? Need some handy tips for conflict resolution or negotiation? Something you might want to try: approaching change management by first assessing what is actually good in the present state. These topics and more are covered in the second of our three episodes from the University of Maryland's 2019 Project Management Symposium.  Listen, learn, and get a free PDU! PDU Information Use the following information in PMI’s CCRS system to register the PDUs for this podcast: PDU Category: Online or Digital Media   Provider Number: 4634   PDU Claim Code:  46346HBI1X   Activity Number: PMPOV0066   PDUs for this episode: 1 About the Speakers   Ryan Anderson currently serves as the Vice President and principal in charge of the Christman Company’s DC Metro Office. Prior to joining Christman, Ryan was a Captain in the US Army Corps of Engineers where he se