Like A Real Boss Podcast

[Ep 43] Unethical Leadership Practices: Clients, Vendors and the People We Do Business With



In this episode, Tracie L. James is addressing the questions How do you report when the "accused" is not employed by the organization? What can you do? What is "Excuse-Free Leadership" and how can it be used to hold leaders accountable for being morally and ethically appropriate?   Tracie L. James is a 20-year business veteran who throughout her successful career as a retail manager, fundraising manager, and entrepreneur has learned how an excuse laden culture can cause an organization to be ineffective, unproductive and unprofitable. She utilizes her extensive experience to assess your current situation, identify opportunities and create strategies to get you to zero excuses and more results. She’s passionate about helping you get the results you need now by providing a clear, actionable strategy in her message.