Pretend You're Fired Today

3 Psychological HAcks to Give you An Upper Hand When asking for Promotion



I always have to be careful when discussing the topic of using psychology in negotiations. People sometimes get the wrong idea that we want to maliciously manipulate people to get what we want. That’s not how it works, especially at this level. In this episode, I’ll show you 3 ways you can use psychology to ease anxiety and foster collaboration, creating an environment where your case for a raise is likely to be favorably heard and accepted. Let’s begin, shall we? Show highlights: - What using a decision-maker’s own words when describing a problem does in their mind and how to do it without being awkward. (1:56) - What to do with your own body language to subtly create trust, familiarity and comfort … a state of being that astronomically improves your odds for a “Yes” ...  (4:03) - Give them the red pill or the blue pill … How limiting options to a specific amount positively frames your request for a raise. (6:05) - What TRUE job security means in today’s economy and steps to achieve it. (8:36) - Why “Remaini