Talkrx With Doctor Neha

He Said; She Said — The Secret to Ending the Blame Game



Read the full post: Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on YouTube: For more information and resources: Join me on Facebook: Do you hit a brick wall when you try to share your opinions and feedback? If so, you’re not alone. Nowadays it seems like people and companies are hungry for feedback. There are surveys for everything. Yet how often do they really mean, “Just tell us all the good stuff and what we’re doing right”? Have you ever witnessed someone get defensive when approached with feedback? This is commonly how the blame game begins. While I was a guest at a retreat center, I watched a tense situation unfold. Listen in as you learn the secret to avoiding blame. (BTW, you’ll get what you want and save time in the process!) Neha Sangwan, M.D., is the CEO and foun