Atari Bytes




Feeling claustrophobic? Like the walls are moving in on you? No, you're not coming down from one too many espresso shots. You just have SQUEEZE BOX fever! And you know what they say about fevers: starve a cold and feed a fever, right? Like, maybe, you could feed it some Quaker oats, which would be appropriate since a division of that company, U.S. Games, released SQUEEZE BOX in 1982. And it's our focus in episode 94. In the game, you're a prison inmate, desperate to escape as the walls literally squeeze in on you. Don't worry, though, this isn't one of those lame prisons where you have to make due with turning a spork into a shank. In this prison, you have your own gun. Why? Dunno. But we'll make something up! Thanks to Kevin McLeod at for creative commons use of his songs "Reformat", "Take a Chance" and "Pinball Spring".  Atari Bytes show notes, social media links and so much more. It's a Podcast, Charlie Brown - Hey! That's my other show. Get all your Snoopy news here. Please consider suppor