Atari Bytes




So, here's what I think happened: In 1982, game company Parker Brothers wanted to make another video game. One of the designers had her heart set on making a space battle game. Another designer really wanted to make a game that said something about the nuclear arms race and the dangers of nuclear waste. The designers waged all out war, each entrenched in their positions. Until Mr. Parker Brother said, "Work together or you're fired." And, thus, REACTOR was born.  Those designers compromised to merge their ideas and create something new. Does the premise, flying your space ship inside a nuclear reactor and fighting evil photons and neutrinos, make any sense? We find out in episode 99. (Spoiler: No) But there was no way they were going to mix their chocolate and peanut butter.  Some principles just can't be compromised.  Thanks to Kevin McLeod at for creative commons use of his songs "Take a Chance", "Reformat" and "Pinball Spring". Atari Bytes - show notes, episodes, social media and more It's