Atari Bytes




You got to know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away. Know when to run.  Then prepare to get laughed at and possibly shot by the dudes you're playing with at the Old West saloon, because we're not playing poker on episode 141 of the podcast, we're playing BLACKJACK.  This 1977 title from Atari is one of the original nine the company released with this new-fangled devil-machine unleased on the unsuspecting masses who'd only just recovered from the mind scramble that was pong. After the cards are dealt, we have a short story inspired by the sweet science of blackjacking. Or whatever. Thanks to Kevin McLeod at for creative commons use of his songs "Reformat", "Take a Chance" and "Pinball Spring". Thanks to Mike Mann for his Mad Mike Hughes theme. Atari Bytes - our site with all our episodes, show notes, social media and what not. It's a Podcast, Charlie Brown - Hey, Peanuts fans (and you know you are), here's my other podcast. On the 15th of every month, dive deep into