Wedding Junkies Podcast

Coronavirus and Quarantine Life | With Cassidy and Rachelle Thompson



In this episode Cassidy and Rachelle talk about living in the new norm is like with their business at a standstill, kids home full time and now homeschooling. There have been many ups and downs as things continue to unfold. They discuss how they are each managing their lives and stress in their own ways. Cassidy has started offering Free Zoom calls for anyone in the wedding industry weekly to help support them. She believes in the importance of how a positive mindset, daily meditation practice, and exercising is key to navigate the current circumstances.  Join her weekly calls to get some inspiration, mindset tips, and a MASSIVE dose of Positivity. Calls are Tuesdays at 1pm EST and Thursdays at 8pm EST. Feel free to share and invite all your industry friends!Zoom Link