Moment Of Clarity With Rev. Lorrie Daly-price

More Than Enough



This week we hear the familiar story from Matthew’s gospel of feeding the 5,000. This story follows immediately after Herod has had John the Baptist executed. Jesus, feeling overwhelmed by his loss wants to get away from the crowds and regroup. He even takes a boat so he can evade the crowds. But his efforts to find a secluded spot falter because as soon as he sets off he is immediately followed by the crowds. Once back onshore he has compassion on them and he begins to heal the sick. As the day began to wind down, the disciples begin to get anxious about the people. They had to be hungry, and a hungry crowd can be an unruly one. Fear is setting in. So, they encourage Jesus to bring the healing session to a close and send them on their way. We can understand their concern. Anyone who is tasked with logistics understands that you don’t want things to get out of hand. Jesus, as you might imagine, has other ideas. Jesus isn’t too worried it seems because he tells them to feed the crowds. Yes, he tells them,