You Watched It Wrong

Footage of protests and police brutality



As protests sparked by the murder of George Floyd continue across the USA and beyond, Wade and Siggy discuss the massive amounts of video that's being captured, and the long legacy of white supremacy that got us here.   But watching and talking aren't enough. To donate or volunteer to help people fighting for racial justice, please consider the following organizations:   Citizens Trust Bank The Russell Foundation The New Georgia Project “Live Free”  The Florida Rights Restoration Coalition Movement for Black Lives  Next Level Boys Academy   To quote Killer Mike, "Those organizations and many, many more across the country need your help. They need boots on the ground. So there is nothing wrong with having the anger and emotion and passion overspill that we saw, because that needs to happen to ignite. But, now that you’re ignited, I need you on a weekly and daily basis to join a grassroots organization wherever you are and for you guys to progress wherever you are. So that nationally we can be allied an