The Wheelnerds

Fuelling It



Episode 228: This episode brought to you by Helite, makers of the awesome Turtle 2 Airbag vest. They have a whole selection of vests, leather jackets, and ADV style jackets equipped with their no-nonsense airbag technology. We don't ride without it. Use code WHEELNERDS for a 10% discount when ordering!   Yeah, we're still here, ya filthy animals! We actually recorded this show with an interview with David Wax of Fuell way back in... December of last year? And then, ya know, the holidays, and work, and stuff. But, hey, here it is! David joins us to talk about Fuell and, specifically, about the bicycle product, the Flluid. We manage to try and pry some Fllow stuff outta him, too... I think. I don't remember. 2019 seems so long ago. So so long ago. When life was simpler and Ma would churn butter by hand out on the porch while Pa shot dingos in the back 40. Anyway, Todd drools all over this technology and Chuck makes fart noises, so yeah, another amazing adventure of the Wheelnerds!        Wheelnerds stickers a