Needless Things

Needless Things Podcast 252 – Alita: Battle Angel



Dave, Ryan Cadaver, and Nicole Ghouled caught an early sneak preview of Robert Rodriguez' adaptation of the classic manga, Battle Angel Alita this past Monday. All three were so enthralled by and impressed with the movie that they had to get together to discuss it for this week's episode of the Needless Things Podcast! Starting with the manga in 1990 and then the animated adaptation in 1993, the story of this warrior has been inspiring fans for decades. Battle Angel draws from many classic genre styles while retaining a unique voice and style of its own. Those same inspired fans have been curious about a live action adaptation, and when James Cameron announced his intention to create one, things seemed promising. The production process, however, was a long one. This left many doubting the project would ever truly see the light of day. But then the pieces starting coming together, with the unparalleled Robert Rodriguez as director, Rosa Salazar as the titular cyborg, and perhaps most impressively, Cristoph