Needless Things

Needless Things Podcast 255 - Transformers



The Rad Ranger stops by the Needless Things Podcast to talk about one of the longest-lived 80s toy lines – Hasbro's Transformers! Originating in the early 80s with the standard toy/cartoon/comic book licensing combo, Transformers changed toys as we knew them. Robots that transformed into cars, jets, guns, and more were an ideal concept for the kids of the era. An amalgamation of several different Japanese toy lines, America's Transformers line saw instant success. That success has lasted right up through today, with countless animated shows, live action movies, comic books, and iterations of the original toy line. Even now a brand new line is in stores – Transformers War for Cybertron: Siege is bringing the sensibilities of the original franchise toy toys that take advantage of every modern innovation. Listen in as Dave and Sean discuss their personal histories with the Transformers franchise on the newest episode of the Needless Things Podcast! Be sure to join the Needless Things Podcast Facebook Gro