Needless Things

Needless Things Podcast 332 – Needless Con: Audible Interlude: A GI Joe Panel



Welcome to Needless Con, a series of specially formatted episodes meant to represent the fun panels and unique conversations that happen at the greatest event of the year, Dragon Con! On this special episode the Audible Interlude crew break down what they love most about GI Joe! Listen in as Phantom Troublemaker, Crapshoot, and Legion Cub brief you on the best of America’s Elite! Be sure to join the Needless Things Podcast Facebook Group and get in on the conversation for this week’s episode! Let us know what you think! “Procrastibate” by  You can follow Needless Things on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for all the latest on pop culture! Hungry for more movies, music, and pop culture? Visit the Needless Things Archives for a decade of dorkery!