Needless Things

Needless Things Podcast 352: Cupid’s Stupid Playlist!



It’s out of the toy room and into the bedroom for Needless Things’ most mood-setting playlist ever! Put away your oils and perfumes and incense because you don’t need any of that – Needless Things is going to turn you on with the most mood-setting playlist you’ve ever heard. Valentine’s Day is imminent and we’ve got you covered. Dirty Dirty Dave, Beth van Doin’ It and Doin’ It and Doin’ It Well, Noel Got Wood, and the GLOWMANIA WORLD CHAMPION Sexual Vanilla Bob Burke put together the first-ever Needless Things collection of essential Christmas songs! Be sure to join the Needless Things Podcast Facebook Group and get in on the conversation for this week’s episode! Let us know what you think! “Procrastibate” by  You can follow Needless Things on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for all the latest on pop culture! Hungry for more movies, music, and pop culture? Visit the Needless Things Archives for a decade of dorkery!