Needless Things

Needless Things Podcast 355: Toy Gimmicks



Sounds, lights, action features, glow-in-the-dark plastic, vacuum metalizing, light piping, and more are all features made to enhance the appeal of toys and action figures. On this week’s episode Glowmania World Champion Bob Burke and Ricky Zero and Bambi Lynn from Radio Cult join the show to talk about the greatest and best toy gimmicks of all time! Listen in as the crew determines what makes for a great toy feature and what might ruin an otherwise perfectly good toy on the newest episode of the Needless Things Podcast! Be sure to join the Needless Things Podcast Facebook Group and get in on the conversation for this week’s episode! Let us know what you think! “Procrastibate” by  “I Just Wanna Play with the Bad Bays” by Radio Cult You can follow Needless Things on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for all the latest on pop culture! Hungry for more movies, music, and pop culture? Visit the Needless Things Archives for a decade of dorkery!