Australian Transformers Weekly

Off The Shelf Episode 100 "Reunion"



Well here we go, episode 100. after some new movie figure news and possibly the best tf cosplay ever seen, we discuss how our collecting has changed over the last two years. show notes Opening credits added in edit (Podcast Intro) Tribute to the guests of Off The Shelf past and Present. 00:08:30 OPENING Hello and welcome to Off The Shelf, the Voice of Transformers Collector Club Australia. This is episode 100 Recorded live on March 25th, 2017 INTRODUCTIONS Brad James Knobknocker (Mikey) Max Tiny Bill (who is ½ way to shitfaced right now) Captain Jack Sparrow JJ’s it’s a warehouse, JJ’s. >>>What have you been up to this week? Ballerinas and cocaine. 00:21:00 CLUB & COMMUNITY NEWS This week: Paid and Proud Member count: 154 Facebook Member count: 2198 +11 from last week It's the final week of the march Donation drive, full info is on the website. Competition is open to everyone in Australia so empty those gold coins out of your piggy bank and donate now. 00:22:28 TYBTWD Take your bot to work day