Australian Transformers Weekly

ATW Ep 154, 2nd June 2018



Welcome to Australian Transformers Weekly, your weekly source for Transformers news in Australia.   This is episode 154, we are recording live on June 2nd, 2018   In this episode we’ll be talking about More prototype images of masterpiece beast wars megatron, Another 3rd party wrecker is on the way, And The bumble bee trailer is on the way, All that and more coming up after this.   Cut to Intro: Opening credits (8bit Transformers Theme) Regular Hosts introduction I’m XXX, joining me this week are… [go left to right on your Hangout screen, identify by name and location] What have you been up to this week? Adelaide mega toy fair   00:09:37 Bot Shots Weekly The newest weekly competition in the TCCA Facebook group. Bot Shots Weekly is the successor to put Your Bot to work and follows the same idea. But now we have weekly winners that go into a monthly draw for a prize. Those monthly winners g