Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed

The First House



Episode 66. The First House.  In the next twelve episodes, we'll cover each of the houses in the astrological chart one by one. Naturally, we're starting with the first house. The first house is the house of the self. This is your image, which means your physical body, the way you dress, and how you express your identity. It's the "you" that people see. The first house is associated with the sign Aries, which is the first sign of the zodiac. Mars would be the ruling planet. This house would be considered cardinal and would belong to the fire element. It's also one of the "angular houses." When a planet sits in the natal first house, it can have something to say about how you look and express your unique self to the world. If a planet transits your 1st house, it may be a time when your identity changes or gets attention in some way.