My Ceo Life

(#1) Discovering the Hidden Law. How the Law of Attraction really works.



So you want to know how the LAw of Attraction really works? I started my journey with manifesting and the law of attraction many years ago. Having discovered ‘the Secret’ book by Rhonda Byrne. I was mesmerised, the idea that I didn’t have to accept my circumstances. That I could decide I wanted something else and that I wasn’t alone, the universe had my back. There was guidance and help available to me.  The only problem was I was so unhappy with where I was that there was a big gap between there and what I wanted, so I created huge resistance. I was ‘trying’ to be grateful for things I was not grateful for, I was trying to be happy in a relationship I wasn’t happy. I knew there was more to this but I couldn’t figure it out. Here I share with you how I went from broke and £20k in debt to happy, successful aligned. I believe you have found this podcast because it is time for you to step into your greatness and really use this law to manifest anything you want in your life! Ashly xxx Work with me -->  www