My Ceo Life

10 Lessons I learned through Yoga that I thought I already knew



Hey babe!! When I accidentally began practicing yoga 6 months ago, I pretty much thought it was about stretching and breathing (both are helpful) but what I have learned are 10 skills that are far more valuable to success and happiness.   I share all with you in this episode, because I want you to know them too! From learning patience, grace with yourself, to ease and being light.  Let's connect!! Tag me @ashlyraeceo and let me know what you thought of these lessons. Which one did you need to hear most today PM me on instagram or email Want to attract your DREAM clients without being sales or annoying? Feeling bad about asking people for money or can't get the motivation to do your work? Grab The MASTERCLASS bundle  Learn how attract your Dream clients in to your business (stop working with people who are draining you and start attracting bad ass babes who you LOVE spending time hustling with) for a limited time only get the Facebook live LIKE A B