My Ceo Life

FEAR how to stop it from ruling your life today!



For you sister if you already to take action but are held back by that four letter word FEAR!!! (False Evidence Appearing Real)!! This pod cast will help you become AWARE of where its stopping you!! Your comfort zone is NOT your safety zone at all so don't be fooled!! Stop letting that FEAR monster trick you! Let's connect!! Tag me @ashlyraeceo and let me know what you thought of these lessons. Which one did you need to hear most today? PM me on instagram or email Want to attract your DREAM clients without the FEAR of being salesy? So many women are held back because they aren't good at making the sale!! It feels icky!! Grab my dream client attraction MASTERCLASS bundle!!  You'll Learn how to attract your Dream clients whatever business you are in (so you can stop working with people who are making your life and business HARD af and start attracting bad ass women who you LOVE spending time with you, who LOVE what you do and want to work with you) for