Dum Dum Die

7:18 - The Shadows "Looking back..."



Oops... It appears that the technical problems we experienced in the livestream impaired the quality of the sound to such an extent that we cannot release the content in podcast format. Instead we thought we'd take you back to the tale of Izaia, as a way to explain Kiera's desire to seek out and find her mother.  If you are on our Discord channel, we will release last week's content (as bad as the sound is) to our puffersharks :) An home-brew actual-play Dungeons and Dragons 5e podcast set on the continent of Astra in Callendos, with interactive input from our live sessions on Twitch.tv/dumdumdie . All female. All awesome! Music by @vid-gobac Watch our livestream on Twitch 19:15 South African time (GMT +2) Tuesdays at: twitch.tv/dumdumdie or find us on all the platforms through: https://linktr.ee/dumdumdie Tweet us @dumdumdie or email us at dumdumdiepod@gmail.com Catch us on Discord anytime and find us on TikTok too! For more information on the insert for our upcoming sponsor Z-Man Games' Love Letter go