The Honest Real Estate Agent | Sales and Marketing Tips for Realtors | And Much More!

24 How to Choose the Right Company to Work For



Buy the Third Edition of "The Honest Real Estate Agent" on Amazon or Audible  Email Mario at with Questions or Feedback   What to look for in a Company and Managing Broker: 1. An active Managing Broker. I don’t know how many times I have to say this. I have been a Realtor since 2003 and I still go to my Managing Broker for advice, to talk strategy and review contract issues. It’s great having someone you can rely on for help and guidance and for me it’s nice to just talk things out sometimes on complex situations. 2. They have to have a training and mentoring program for new Agents. This is an absolute must have!! Real estate school is great teaching you how to pass the real estate exam but you need training on how to succeed and build your business as a Realtor. What type of ongoing training and mentoring is provided? This is so important. 3. Find a company where other Agents in the office are supportive and helpful. Real estate is an individual sport but you want to be in office where