The Food For Fitness Podcast | Nutrition | Training | Lifestyle | Healthy Living

FFF 111: How To Train For Anything & Everything, Anywhere & Everywhere - with Ross Edgley



You might remember Ross from Episode 85 when he came to chat about 30 marathons in 30 days along with various other crazy challenges that he's done. Ross is a bit of an adventurer and he likes to see how he can push the human body to its absolute limits. In this episode, we chatted about his new book (The World's Fittest Book: How To Train For Anything & Everything, Anywhere & Everywhere) which he talks about how he does training and all the things that he's learned from interviewing industry pioneers and various world champions. He also talked about hybrid training; how can you train for an endurance sport whilst getting stronger or how can you get faster but build muscle at the same time. It is an interesting episode because you'll learn how Ross managed to train for these crazy events that he swam for four hours non-stop once yet he looks like a powerlifter. FFF 111: