Elsie's Yoga Class L Inspiration L Alignment L Connection

Ep. 51: 90 Min Level 1 Yoga Class- Approaching With Reverence to Catch Breath



Level 1, 90 min Yoga Class.Deep and Steady.We do 1 inversion (L pose at the wall x 2) Every Person is Precious (This I Believe Essay) ONLINE YOGA CLASSES AND PODCASTS ROCK (Facebook Group! Join!!!) John in San Diego Portable and New media The Sequence: Hands and Knees/Downward Facing Dog High Lunge/straightening the front leg Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x3 Half Sun Salutations x 3 Surya Namaskar Crescent Pose Surya Namaskar x 2 Lunge Twist Balasana Demo L Pose at the Wall with Daniel L Pose at the Wall x 2 Parvakonasana Prasarita Padotanasana Parvakonasana (yep, again) Parva Prasarita Padotanasana (torso to the side) Tree Deep Lunge (choose your variation) Pigeon Ardha Bhekasana Lunge with thigh stretch Setu Bandha x 2 Eka Pada Setu Bandha Ardha Matsyendrasana Sukhasana Forward Fold Breathing