Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

+1: #230 Marginal Gains



Once upon a time, no British cyclist had ever won the Tour de France. Over 100 years of trying, and, precisely, zero wins. Then a guy named Sir David Brailsford stepped in and created Team Sky. He said that a British cyclist would win the Tour within five years. People thought he was crazy. Until they won it in two years. Then, for good measure, they won four of the next five races as well.  How’d he do it? Marginal gains. He looked for all the tiny little places where he could Optimize.  Things like making sure the riders uniforms were always washed in the same skin-friendly detergent for a little more comfort.  Things like making sure the riders always slept on the same exact mattresses every night to give them the best shot at a good night of sleep.  Things like making sure the hotel rooms were always properly vacuumed to reduce potential infections. TINY little things. Any one gain wouldn’t do a whole lot, of course. But, as we know, when you aggregate and compound enough of those tiny little incremental