Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

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Since our time with George Leonard exploring his ideas on Mastery, I’ve been thinking about him a lot.   I realized that I forgot to share another one of my favorite Ideas from his great little book that has most changed my life.    It’s super simple but equally powerful.    First, the context.    In a section on getting energy for mastery, George tells us: “A human being is the kind of machine that wears out from lack of use. There are limits, of course, and we do need healthful rest and relaxation, but for the most part we gain energy by using energy... It might well be that all of us possess enormous stores of potential energy, more than we could ever hope to use.”   Of course, as we discuss often, we need to remember to oscillate and train our recovery, etc. but we’ve also gotta know that human beings GAIN energy by USING energy. We’re the kind of machine that wears out from LACK of use.   Which reminds me of super-energized Leonardo da Vinci’s wisdom: “Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant wa