Optimize With Brian Johnson | More Wisdom In Less Time

+1: #485 The Rules of Breathing



In our last couple +1s, we’ve talked about your breathing. If you haven’t checked out the full Optimal Breathing 101 master class yet, you might dig it.    For now, how about a quick look at the THREE simple rules of optimal breathing?   Here they are: Breathe through your nose Into your belly And exhale slightly longer than you inhaled 1 + 2 + 3 = Magic.   How about a quick inventory then a closer look?   First, the quick inventory: You breathing through your nose? (Most people don’t. Go look around and/or in the mirror. Do you see a mouth gaping open?) Do you breathe deeply (yet calmly) into your belly? (Most people don’t—especially if you breathe through your mouth!) And, is your exhale slightly longer than your inhale? (This is the fastest way to relax!) Now, for the closer look:   Rule #1. Breathe Through Your Nose (EXCLUSIVELY!)   When? All day. Every day. (Including while sleeping and training.)   Why? Well, check out the class for a full description (and/or th