Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

Simon Melov, PhD - How Exercise Reverses Aging (#155)



Simon Melov, PhD, heads the Buck Institute’s Genomic Core, which explores the role of the energy-making units inside cells, the mitochondria. Simon's research focus is in identifying molecular hallmarks of aging to guide the development of anti-aging therapies. Melov received his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of London in the UK. He held positions at Emory University in Atlanta and at the University of Colorado in Boulder before joining the faculty of the Buck Institute as an associate professor in 1999. Other research interests include the age-related bone disorder osteoporosis, age-related heart disease, the role of methylation in the aging human genome, and developing molecular techniques to better understand single cell changes with age. In a landmark study, Melov and collaborators showed that the more vigorous pattern of gene expression found in young adults could be partially restored in older adults who followed a strength training exercise program for 6 months. Highlights: The benefits of r