Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

Dr Wayne Westcott - Is High Intensity Strength Training Enough? (#159)



Wayne L. Westcott, Ph.D., is professor of exercise science at Quincy College in Quincy, Massachusetts. Dr. Westcott has been a strength training consultant for numerous organizations, including the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Air Force, the American Council on Exercise, the YMCA of the USA, General Motors, and Nautilus. He has authored 28 books/textbooks, and more than 90 peer-reviewed research/academic papers. It's an honour and privilege to speak with Dr Westcott again. In this episode, we cover a lot of ground in terms of exercise science related to resistance training and protein consumption as well as mediators for muscle growth and the potential need for speed and power work alongside high intensity strength training. Check out my Part 1 with Dr Westcott HERE Contact: Email Dr Westcott to wwestcott [@] quincycollege [dot] edu Phone him on +1 617 984 1716 (US) Highlights include: The benefits of resistance training on myokine secretion The most effective exercise and diet for body recomposition according to s