Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

Kieran Igwe - Franchise vs. Start-up: Which One Works for You? (#225)



Kieran Igwe (kieranigwe[@] is a studio owner of fit20 Leeds, United Kingdom. fit20 is an intensive exercise method performed for just 20 minutes, once per week under the guidance of a fit20 personal trainer. fit20 gives you quick results and is easy to sustain, so you can enjoy the benefits of better health and fitness for years to come. Kieran has been into personal training for over 13 years working with clients over the age of 40 in different gyms and health clubs. With his vast experience, Kieran decided to start his own studio, Diligent Fitness, which provides clients a friendly and non-intimidating gym experience.  In this episode, Kieran shares his business journey, personal workout and diet, fit20 business process, how to start a fit20 franchise, and much more. Enjoy! Learn how to generate more profit in your high intensity training business and join the HIT Business Membership For all of the show notes, links and resources - Click Here