Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training And Hit Business

247 - Lawrence Neal - How to Start a HIT Business Part 2



I wanted to start a personal training business in one form or another for several years now. However, the podcast and HIT Business Membership have always taken center stage. More recently, I realized it makes a lot of sense for me to start a personal training business in terms of the benefits in documenting the journey, developing my expertise, and providing more value to you in both the podcast and membership. In the Part 1, I covered the first steps to starting a HIT business, software and tools to help you run your business and how to prepare for personal training before you are certified. In this episode, I talk about location, equipment and insurance, setting up a website for your business, market research and much more. Build your $1,000,000+ HIT studio and Join HIT Business Membership For all of the show notes, links and resources - Click Here   This episode is brought to you by the Resistance Exercise Conference Would you like to: Learn from the top strength training professionals and researchers?