The Highly Sensitive Person Podcast

16: High Sensation Seeking



Episode 16 of the Highly Sensitive Person Podcast is about High Sensation Seeking HSPs. You have no idea how many times I had to edit myself saying that mouthful of words incorrectly in this episode. HSPs are careful and evaluate everything around them thoroughly. But those who are also High Sensation Seekers crave excitement, arousal, and new experiences (not necessarily extreme stuff like skydiving or bungee jumping, mind you.) How can those two traits co-exist in the same person?! I think it's an interesting concept. If you like the podcast, please say "thanks" by leaving a positive review on iTunes! (And if you don't like it, then please don't leave a review!) Sign up for the weekly newsletter to be notified of the latest blog posts, podcast episodes, and HSP news.      Mentioned on this episode: Take the test to see if you are a high sensation seeker Further reading: From Dr. Elaine Aron's website: Personality and Temperament: The Highly Sensitive Person Who Is Also A High Sensation Seeker  This blog: A