Gay Talk Podcast

- Gay Talk Podcast #52 - Basic MP3 Version



Call it kismet or call it Murphy's Law but this was one wild and wired podcast.  Paulie and Evan finally finish their first year of Podcasts.  YEAH!! send presents!  Just Kidding.   But something was in the air this time.  But they pushed on through the haze and produced podcast #52 and wrapped up one year of insanity!       Soldiers in Porn, everyone's Fantasy, Well one paid the price.  Republicans are backing away from the Anti Gay amendment, the wireless phone services go decent.  All this and much more for this weeks gays in the news!  Paulie plays it safe this week and reviews the Spartacus Condom kit. Evan reviews one old and one new DVD this week first is the release of the Falcon Classis "New Breed"  one of the original Falcon Videos, which he rates 3 splats.  The second is Mustang Studios Brawlers which he rates a solid 3 splats!       Thanks a bunch for all your supportive emails after we were dissed by another podcast!  we knew you loved us!  But, don't stop there keep writing with your likes, disl