Gay Talk Podcast

Gay Talk Podcast #63



Paulie's Back but Evan is still being held as a sex slave by Big Foot.  So Paulie is putting out a solo podcast this week.  He's not the techie guy so you won't hear any of the special effects but you do get to hear id fabulous voice!  This week Paulie Has Gays in the news!  It seems that George Michael can't keep his name out of the news or himself out of the bushes and we all ways though it was true and now Lance Bass has admitted that he's gay and hooked up with Amazing Race hottie Reichen.  Paulie's home state may be the next state to allow gay marriage.  We'll see...     This weeks toy review is the Bondage Starter Kit.  Paulie's no beginner but he loves this kit!  He also has two movies that he reviewed.  The first is Bel Ami XL Files Pt2 by Bel Ami. All the hot Euro boys got Paulie all excited and he give this a 3 splat rating.  The second Movie is YMAC classic Sex Bazaar.  This is Cadinot at his best with an international cast!  Paulie gives this his best rating at 5 Splats!!       Paulie is now going