Food For Thought: The Joys And Benefits Of Living Vegan

I’m Not Evil, and Neither Are You: Tribalism, Ideology, and a Call for Compassion



There’s a presumption among some vegans that if you’re vegan, you’re also liberal, socialist, atheist, feminist, intersectionalist, progressive, and leftist, that you’re pro-choice, anti-vaccine, anti-GMO’s — and that if you’re not any or all of these things and everything that they entail, you’re unwelcome — or at least you don’t belong. Or that you’re an imposter. Or that you welcome oppression.  We are living in a time when group loyalty and identity politics are valued more than reason, critical thinking, tolerance for another point of view, and compassion. And it scares the bejesus out of me. Today's episode is (yet another) call for compassion. Listen to Food for Thought Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, or⁣⠀