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TMHS 381: Why We Age And Why We Don’t Have To - With Guest Dr. David Sinclair



The human brain is notorious for writing narratives and then assuming them as fact. If you’ve ever tried to make a change in your life, chances are you’ve experienced this. Thoughts like, “I’m not a runner,” or “I’m not disciplined enough to eat healthy” are powerful and downright convincing. Your brain loves a good story, even if it’s one that doesn’t serve your best interests. These limiting beliefs constrain our growth, but they are undeniably powerful and difficult to break free from. When it comes to aging, what kinds of stories are we telling ourselves? What if instead of considering aging an inevitability, we think of it as a preventable disease? Scientists around the world are studying the molecular causes of aging, human longevity, and how to reverse aging. Dr. David Sinclair is one of the world’s leading experts in this field, and his new book Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To, is a game-changing, paradigm-shifting guide to living a longer, healthier, and more vibrant lifespan.  This epi