The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 382: The Danger Of Staying In Your Comfort Zone - With Guest Phylicia George



What could you accomplish if you simply had the audacity to try something different? How could your life change if you were bold enough to step outside of your self-imposed limits and labels? Some of the greatest rewards in life are available to those who have the courage and open-mindedness to step outside of the confines of a comfort zone and try something new.  It’s normal to feel reassured and content in your habitual, ordinary way of doing things—especially if you are successful and happy in those patterns. But what could happen if you said yes to an opportunity to grow? This doesn’t mean you have to switch careers or move across the country, but consider the ways you could grow and learn by implementing a small shift in your life. There is immense value in picking up a new hobby or trying a new class, traveling to a place you’ve never been, or even just switching up the types of content you consume.  Our guest today is an incredible example of what can happen if you allow yourself to be open to opportun