The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1390: Darryl Edwards On His New Book 'Animal Moves', Paleo, Keto, and Cancer



Primal Play pioneer Darryl Edwards joins us today to talk about playing for health and his new book Animal Moves.   After almost two decades working as a technologist in investment banking, and suffering from chronic lifestyle disease, Darryl Edwards from transformed his health after adopting an ancestral model to well-being. Darryl now advises people on maintaining a healthy lifestyle – amidst the epidemic of obesity and other chronic lifestyle diseases. As the founder of the PRIMAL PLAY methodology, he makes functional fitness activity fun, effective and engaging while getting individuals healthier, fitter and stronger in the process. He specializes in working with children from 4 to 94 - fitness for those who hate to exercise - as well as for those who love it but relish a new challenge.   Listen in today as Jimmy talks to Darryl about a wide range of topics including his brand new book Animal Moves, why play is so important, what is happening in the Paleo movement, the keto lifestyle, cance