
Series 2 - Episode 10 on Living in an Era of 'Ish' and The 'All Work, No Sleep' Mentality.



On this weeks episode, we are back from our mini-trips and are bringing you the best of our London and Skopelos recommendations plus all of our usual T.V and reading recommendations. We discuss living in an age of ‘ish’ whether that be vegetarian-ish, bisexual-ish, freelance-ish, dating-ish.. the list goes on. As a society, are we now more considered in what we pledge allegiance to? Can’t we all just get over box-ticking and categorising each other? We also take a look at the affect of a ‘all work, no sleep’ mentality and what that means for us as millennial women.Our listeners question this week is regarding how to keep a long-distance friendship alive outside the norms of meaningless chit chat.If you have a mate to mate question then please email us:mate.podcast@gmail.comFollow us on Instagram:@mate.podcast Follow us on Twitter:@mate_podcastJoin our Facebook Group:Mate.Podcast------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------