Daily Nuggets With Your Favorite Local Haole Lender

Talking Real Estate with Alan Koenig



This week Alan Koenig of Koenig Real Estate talks with Jason about the state of the market and where they think everything is headed and touch on best practices regarding client experiences.Jason C. Scott (NMLS: 1160791)Phone: (808)798-9054Web: https://www.rate.com/jasonsFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/jasoncscottg...Instagram: https://instagram.com/grofoahuEmail: JasonS@rate.comAlan Koenig (RB-22789)Phone: (808) 729-0963Web: https://koenigre.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KoenigRE/Instagram: https://instagram.com/thelistingkingEmail: alan@koenigre.com