Daily Nuggets With Your Favorite Local Haole Lender

Onward to Opportunity



Our recent guest, Emily Harmon is the founder of the Onward Podcast.  As a single mother she had to overcome a lot of adversity and challenges.  She overcame obstacles and when she finally left the government sector and recently retired, she decided to do something different with her life.  She chose to do something she was passionate about.  She turned her adversity into something that she can use to help others overcome.She is also an author of a book that she co-wrote called "How to become a GovCon Expert." The book is now available on Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1733600965/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1If you are interested in a free copy of Emily Harmon's book that she co-wrote - We have 10 free copies to 10 wonderful listeners. Please email merranda.ramirez@rate.com and reference this episode for your free book!